Branding for accountants – 4 great ways to create impact

How visible is your accountancy firm’s branding? Are you easy to find, both physically and digitally? Improving your accountancy branding does not have to mean spending tens of thousands of pounds on advertising; there are several ways to raise your profile that are simple, effective, and won’t break the budget.

This article highlights four great ways to get your practice noticed.

What is branding for accountants?

Branding for accountants is more than just your logo. It’s about giving your accountancy firm a competitive edge over your competitors. You can achieve this by communicating your story, i.e., who you are, what you do, how you help, what you achieve, etc.  

How to ‘nail’ branding for accountants

  1. Online presence

Go through your website and make sure the content is up to date. That includes people on your Meet the Team page, including their profiles if you have them. You should also review your services and whether this information needs updating or new services should be added. Ask yourself, “Is our website portraying the firm in the best possible way?”. If you haven’t updated your website for a while, consider giving it a makeover.

Our blog, ‘Increasing website effectiveness,’ offers excellent tips on reviewing and updating your website.

From a social media perspective, check that all your firm’s profile pages are current. You should also post regularly to ensure there is a drip feed of information about what the firm is doing, events you’re attending, examples of how you have helped clients, and staff news when appropriate. You should also engage with other people’s posts, for example, your clients, and get involved with local business forums. Doing so will help keep your firm’s name in people’s minds.

Your website and social media platforms are the best methods for achieving great branding for accountants, and they should be reviewed and updated at least monthly.

  1. Your office(s)

Take a good long hard look at the exterior of your office. Is it portraying the image you want it to? Does the décor need a little TLC? Does your logo or signage need updating? Remember, your offices will form part of that all-important ‘first impression,’ so make sure you’re making the right impression and not turning people away.

If your premises are off the ground level or are off a main road/thoroughfare, there are several things you can do to become more visible. Building signs which protrude from the building walls are easier to see from a distance (and angle) than signs which are flush with the building, although do take into consideration planning and health and safety.

If you have a large shop/office window at street level, try placing marketing stands on the inside or large TV screens that showcase the firm’s promotional videos.

Another non-permanent suggestion is using branded free-standing flags, A-frame signs, and banners, which you can place on the pavement (as long as you are not obstructing pedestrians).

  1. Networking

Networking is a very effective form of branding for accountants. Meeting up with local business owners and other like-minded people regularly is an excellent way to raise your brand awareness and communicate your firm’s story.

However, networking doesn’t have to occur at dedicated business networking events. If you don’t like attending networking events per se, go to events you are interested in and start telling your story there. Such conversations will all help with your branding. You can also achieve excellent brand awareness by attending various business or social events.

  1. Sponsorship

Sponsorship can take many forms. From sponsoring local sports teams to national events, there is a lot of scope to use this promotional method to increase the impact of your firm’s brand. However, most accountancy firms will want to focus on activities in their local area or create more influence with their target audience in a specific business sector, for example, in farming or fintech businesses.

 Local sponsorship opportunities include sponsoring sports or community groups, or events. You could also sponsor structures in your local area that achieve high footfall or traffic volumes, such as roundabouts, playgrounds, flowerbeds, buildings, sculptures, etc., or support local business awards or charity events.

 Business sector sponsorship opportunities include sponsoring all or part of a trade exhibition, conference, or awards at a national event.


So don’t hide your accountancy practice under a bushel! Branding for accountants involves taking an external perspective of your practice to see what others think of your business. Could you do anything differently to increase visitors to your website or social media? How can you attract people into your office? What events could you attend that would help to communicate your story, and what can you do to support local sports, events, and charities that would enable you to raise your profile?

For more tips on branding for accountants, get in touch at 01822 833300 or email